Lifestyle, Recipes

Why Kombucha Tea is Good for You

When I first heard the word “kombucha,” it was on a lifestyle magazine, an article in which I didn’t pay much attention. For years I always thought that Kombucha is just another type of tea. The same as earl grey, Ceylon, and the whole other regimen of tea (that I still know nothing about). Boy, I couldn’t get any further than the truth, and how ignorance is (in my opinion) is worse than stupidity.

My introduction to Kombucha

Little did I know, that even though I had no idea what Kombucha was, I actually used to consume it. In my teenage years, I had a best friend who was also a neighbor. Every day after school, I would come to her house and spent the afternoon together. Listened to music (B’Witch, Spice Girls, Savage Garden) while we’re doing our homework.

She is the only child of the family, and she had leukemia when she was a child. Because of her condition, she couldn’t play outside as much as she wants, and that also limits her social life. That’s why when our family moved into the neighborhood, and we became friends, her family was glad of our friendship. They always welcomed me and treated me really nice.

We always had tasty and healthy snacks available, the au pair also prepared us this “nice and refreshing tea.” It was one of my favorite things about this afternoon visit. At some point, the au pair showed me these jars with some kind of “jelly” floating inside a brownish liquid. She told me that these are the tea that i liked a lot.

They had some of these jars, and I think she also explained it to me a bit about how the jelly makes the tea tastes good. But, I wasn’t really paying attention to her explanations. I remember that I was thinking “well I don’t have this “jelly” so I can’t make it on my own”. Aaaand there goes the end of my curiosity.

Back in the present day, when I “finally” read about Kombucha I knew that it was that “tea” I have had in my childhood. It all started to make sense to me. Because of the treatment she received for cancer, it must have an impact on her gut microbiome. Kombucha must be one of the ways her parents did to heal/maintain her gut health.

In what way Kombucha is Good for Gut Health?

We all know that modern medicine such as antibiotics kills not only the bad bacteria and viruses but also the good and beneficial bacterias inside our body. The good gut bacterias help us to digest the food and turn the nutrients into things that our body use. It also controls the growth of the harmful bacteria so that there is an equilibrium in our gut. Problems start when there are not enough good bacteria in our gut. A result of taking antibiotics, drinking too much alcohol, not exercising, etc.

There are a couple of ways we can take care of our gut health, the most convenient way is to take probiotic supplements. A high-quality supplements cost a lot, and I am the one who prefers a natural approach for my health. The more natural method to get your gut health in check is by consuming foods that are rich with probiotics.
Usually, foods that are fermented such as Kimchi, sauerkraut, and Kombucha are loaded with probiotics. I personally like kimchi, but I have to admit it is hard to incorporate it into our diet (especially for my husband), and that’s why Kombucha is the best alternative for us.

What is Kombucha

Kombucha is a tea that is going through a fermentation process using culture and yeast called SCOBY (Symbiotic Culture of Bacteria and Yeast). SCOBY is also called mother, in which it can grow a baby SCOBY. It has a “jelly” like consistency, it’s a living bacteria and probiotic, and that is why it is famous for the supposed health benefits.

Health Benefits

Despite all the health claims of the benefits of Kombucha tea, there are still too few evidence-based studies for Kombucha. There are claims kombucha is beneficial to treat AIDS, anorexia, Cancer, Constipation, Diabetes, and many other illnesses. But there are also potential adverse effects that make physician avoid it for therapeutic purposes. We’ll talk a bit about its harmful effects later in this article but first, let’s talk about its health benefits.

Cancer Prevention

The Microbiome found in Kombucha helps to activate our natural cancer-killing cells. Some studies published evidence that specific gut bacteria seem to boosts people’s Cancer treatment.
Extensive research on Kombucha was done in Russia and German in the first half of 20th Century. It began in Russia where entire regions of the Country seemingly immune to cancer. People believed that it was due to their habit of drinking Kombucha or “Tea Kvass” in their native language.
Recent studies have shown that Glucaric Acid (that presents in Kombucha) can prevent cancer.

A Nobel prize winner Alexander Solzhenitsyn in his Autobiography claims that Kombucha tea cured his Stomach Cancer. Because of that testimonial, President Reagan consumed Kombucha to stop the spread of his cancer in 1987. As a matter of fact, he died in 2004 because of old age, and not because of Cancer!.

Rich in Antioxidants and Helps with Detoxification

It’s a natural way of detoxification. The Glucaric Acid found in Kombucha and in various Fruits and veggies is able to bind Toxin and release them from the body along with Urine. This Glucaric Acid that came from the fermentation process enhances the liver’s ability to remove toxins.

Helps to Stimulate Immune System

The probiotics in the kombucha help our immune system and strengthen its ability to fight against harmful microbes and many illnesses. When we don’t have enough good natural microbiome in our digestive system, the harmful ones such as the one who can cause diabetes, ulcers, and even cancer can take over our digestive system. That is why maintaining gut health is crucial in having a healthy body.

Helps with Weight Loss

Due to its natural acidity, like Apple cider vinegar, Kombucha is good to increase metabolism when consumed on an empty stomach. The antioxidant property derives from the Black/Green tea varieties which is the main igredient of kombucha works better by adding the symbiotic colony of the SCOBY.

Reduce Stress

Kombucha contains a lot of B Vitamins, especially vitamin B1, B6, and B12 that is famous by its ability to help to stabilize mood, battle depression, and improves the ability to focus. Kombucha is also rich in vitamin C which helps to inhibit the release of the stress hormone Cortisol. The alcohol content in Kombucha can also help us to wind of, although its alcohol content is low.

Helps with Digestion

Kombucha is used in the treatment for many Digestive issues such as Diarrhea, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, and constipation. The Probiotics property promotes healthy digestion and helps to ease an upset stomach.

Helps with Joints and Ligaments Issues

Kombucha is rich in Glucosamine. Glucosamine is a chemical that is important in building Tendons, ligaments, Cartilage, and the fluid that surround joints. The medical industry use it to treat patients with Osteoarthritis, Glaucoma, Joint pain, and even Multiple Sclerosis (MS).

Side Effects of Kombucha Tea

Because Kombucha is commonly homemade fermentation, caution should be taken because pathogenic microorganisms can contaminate the tea during preparation. Drinking Kombucha can be harmful to people with a poor immune system, pregnant woman, or children under 4 years old due to its microbial sourcing and non-sterile packaging.
Adverse effect associated with kombucha consumption includes hepatic (liver) and renal toxicity and metabolic acidosis.

Most of the side effects of drinking Kombucha comes from the body’s own toxins. It’s part of the detoxification process made possible by Kombucha, and it is temporary. Below is the list of a possible side effects of consuming Kombucha :

  • Skin eruption
  • Headache
  • Restlessness 
  • Insomnia 
  • Extreme Fatigue
  • Muscle Cramps

Learn more about Kombucha Side Effects in this excellent article here

How to Make your own Kombucha Tea

There are many recipes on the internet on how to make your own Kombucha, even from scratch (grow your own SCOBY). However, I would suggest that you purchase your starter pack from a reputable cultures provider or maybe ask your family, a neighbor who you know have been making their own Kombucha for quite some time.

If you purchase a starter pack usually, you will get a good and healthy SCOBY with a starter tea. (neutral flavor).

SCOBY (Symbiotic Culture of Bacteria and Yeast)

Please write in the comment if you are a regular Kombucha drinker or this is the first time you have ever heard about it. I hope you find this post useful, and if you do please share it!

23 thoughts on “Why Kombucha Tea is Good for You

  1. I’ve been drinking Apple Cider Vinegar for about a year now and a friend just introduced me to Kombucha a couple of months ago. I didn’t realize all of the benefits of it!!! I am going to add it to my health routine. Thanks so much for putting this together

  2. I never knew what this was either but I’ve heard the name before, neat to know what it is! Thanks for sharing this, it sounds pretty helpful.

  3. I’ve never heard of kombucha, but it looks so beneficial. It’s good you added the side effects and those who shouldn’t drink it. I want to try some for sure.

  4. I haven’t tried this and never heard of it! However, after reading this article. I would love to try this now and would recommend this to my grandma and mum as well. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Hi, yes japanese kombucha is made from kombu kelp and green tea..both are beneficial for our health..thanks for stopping by 🙂

  5. I have read so much about Kombucha and the health benefits. It must be a sign, that it is time for me to stop reading and start making. Your recipe will be coming in hand very soon. Thanks!

  6. I heard about kombucha for the first time now, but you presented it in a really interesting fashion, you presented the good effects of it, and how to make it, i’ll probs save the recipe for later , this is good to have for the future, cause for now, knock on wood I don’t have any major health problems 😀

  7. I love drinking kombucha and buy it regularly from my local retailer. It is an acquired taste as some might not like the tartness. I love it.

  8. Strange name. Never heard about it. Maybe not available in my Country. Article is very good and in proper detail. You explained thr healthy side too. Thanks for sharing.

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